1-2-1 Dog Training

1-2-1 Training at your home

We know not all things you want to focus training on happen whilst out and about so we also offer 1-2-1 training to target any areas in the home.

I may also on occasion suggest a home 1-2-1 prior to booking a 1-2-1 at my field or a training walk. This is a decision made on a case by case basis.

1-2-1 Training at my field

Lead training has the benefit of a beautiful secure outdoor location to be able to offer 1-2-1 training.

Sometimes a class environment may not be suitable or maybe you do not have the time or availability to be able to commit to one of our regular group courses. Some people prefer the 1-2-1 attention so these sessions are ideal.

We can cover any elements you feel you and your dog would benefit from, the 1-2-1 Dog Training sessions can be tailored to your individual needs and they run between 45 minutes to an hour.

Training walks are great for those that want to be coached around a walk. Learn how to keep engagement with your dog. Work on heelwork and recall and generally start applying the training to a normal walk.

1-2-1 Training Walks

Every dog is different so let us give you bespoke training to get the best out of your relationship