Puppy Classes

Puppy Classes

These are a 7-week course for puppies up to 6 months old.

Puppy Classes are a great way to lay the foundations and learn the skills required to help you train your dog to become a happy obedient dog.

My classes are run with up to 6 dogs with a helper. These classes will help to teach your dog how to behave around other dogs from a young age as well as give you plenty of practical training time.

The course is ideal for Puppy’s as soon as they are fully vaccinated.

Listed below are just a few of the exercises covered throughout the course.


Loose lead


Not jumping up







Lead Training Course are reward based using whatever is your dog’s favourite this could be treats, a toy or a fuss.


This enables and enhances the conditioning of the appropriate behaviours.


Throughout the duration of the course, we will gradually increase the level of distraction and difficulty for each individual dog only at the rate they are progressing also that each dog has the maximum chance of succeeding in each exercise.


Puppy and Obedience courses are held on a Tuesday Evening at the WI Hall In East Farleigh.


Please also keep an eye on my Facebook/Instagram for outdoor group events.

puppy classes maidstone
puppy training maidstone

"Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen."

– Orhan Pamuk.